Tuesday, March 17, 2009


One of my favorite movies is the Disney film, "Pollyanna" with Hayley Mills. In the movie, she talks about taking a situation or set of circumstances and, instead of being gloomy about it, trying to find something to be GLAD about. She calls it "The Glad Game". Since our family has experienced an unusual amount of trials and challenges during the past six months, Val and I have decided that we need to make "The Glad Game" a part of our daily routine.

Val's mother has experienced a dramatic decline in her health and now requires 24 hour live-in care. My darling niece and her wonderful husband are able to live with Grandma and care for her, but of course, they need time off. Our extended family has been able to join together and provide care for this dear lady, and in addition, give her caregivers a much-needed break. We are GLAD that we have been able to spend this time with Grandma and grow closer together as a family as we provide care for this sweet mother. We are GLAD for the sweet moments we have shared with one another and with her as we listen to and laugh about the funny things she says. We are GLAD that we have learned that we can do things we never thought we could and that it's not really that bad.

As we experience other challenges and difficulties, we are GLAD that we have family members to support and sustain and help us. The Lord definitely knew what he was doing when he put us on the earth in families.

Try to implement "The Glad Game" in your life. When you face difficult times, try to find something in the situation to be GLAD about. You will be surprised at how easy it is!


Peay Family said...

Great Advice!


Darrik, Kami & Brock said...

This is such great advice. No surprise, you always have great advice. Thank you so much for sharing. I love you! I hope everything gets better. If there is anything I can do to help, not that I have any experience or great advice, please let me know. We really love you guys.